Transfer of Credit
CROWN COLLEGE is a special purpose institution. Students should be aware that transferof credit is always the responsibility ofthe receiving institution. Whether or notcredits transfer is solely dependent uponthe evaluation policies of the receivinginstitution. Any student interested intransferring credit hours should checkwith the receiving institution directly todetermine how many, if any, credit hourscan be transferred.
Course credits with a minimum gradeof “C-” earned at other institutions areeligible for transfer to a degree programto the extent that the courses arecomparable to ǸԹ College of theBible’s stated requirements. An officialtranscript from the institution attended,showing satisfactory course completion,is required. The institution from whichcredits are being transferred must beconsidered of comparable academic quality.Evaluation will be made by the academicadministration, and consideration will begiven to academic function, faculty, andcurricula used at the institution. Coursestaken at Bible institutes, etc. are subjectto review by the academic administration.No more than 12 credit hours from anapproved correspondence school will beaccepted toward an undergraduate degree.
Undergraduate transfer students mustcomplete their last 36 hours in residencebefore graduation. Graduate transferstudents must complete their last 50% ofa program at ǸԹ Graduate School orǸԹ Seminary.
For reasons of doctrinal distinctivenessor emphasis, certain courses must betaken exclusively at ǸԹ College ofthe Bible, although the student mayhave completed a similar course with apassing grade elsewhere. This applies tothe following courses:
- CM121 – Personal Evangelism
- CM132 – Living the Christian Life
- BI211 – Bible Doctrine I
- BI212 – Bible Doctrine II
- ED322 – Theology of Christian Education (if required in the student’s degree program)
- Biological Science courses (if required in the student’s degree program, and if not completed at an institution holding a biblical view of creation)
All questions regarding the transfer ofcredits should be directed to the deanof the program of study in which thestudent is enrolled.
ǸԹ studentsare not required to take collegeentrance exams, but those studentswho have completed such examshaving earned a minimum requiredscore are eligible for transfer credit. Thefollowing credit is awarded:
Subject | AP Score | Credit |
American History | 4 or 5 | HI111 U.S. History I |
Calculus | 3, 4, or 5 | MA122 Introductory Algebra |
Economics | 3, 4, or 5 | BU260 Economics |
English Language and Comp | 4 or 5 | EN101 Grammar and Composition I |
Physics | 4 or 5 | MA122 Introductory Algebra |
Statistics | 4 or 5 | MA220 Probability and Statistics |
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Credit)
Subject | CLEP | Credit |
Calculus | 50 | MA122 Introductory Algebra |
College Algebra | 50 | MA122 Introductory Algebra |
General Chemistry | 52 | SC341 Chemistry I |
Introduction to Macroeconomics and Introduction to Microeconomics (both) |
48, 47 | BU260 Economics |
Trigonometry | 50 | MA122 Introductory Algebra |